Monday, 26 January 2009

what i did today

i walked down to the quayside and went to the baltic to see what i could see. really grat exhibits on and i had to miss out 2nd floor cos i was running out of time!! so fairly interactive yoko ono exhibit which included wishing trees. the wishes made me feel like crying and i think if i wasn't in a public place i would have wept for the amount of wanting there was.

i added my wish. well i added 3 wishes on one piece and as i was doing it wished my handwriting was more outstnding!! foolish girl.
i also wrote a piece about my mother for the mum wall and took a piece of the sky jigsaw as requested by yoko.
i also then went to coco mo's to book the staff xmas party but it was closed to we're having it at prima pasta instead. well unless anyone has strong objections! and finally went to john lewis to buy the 'awards' for the staff do and popped into zavvi and almost bought some books. bought some naughty sweet snacks from morrissons on the way home. why is it when i'm trying not to eat so much so i can look fabulous in my dress at the xmas party all i can think about and crave is food!!!! and we all know i have no willpower. especially against food. oh dear! well so long as it doesn't all go on my boobs it should be fine!

Monday, 19 January 2009

the way we are is so weird. i feel like we talk about things and sometimes we really don't. and sometimes we talk in the shortest sentences and there is no more to say about things but it was all included with heavy emotion. we were living in the same room and we didn't know each other at all and i really don't know how you felt about me then. to me you were a bit of a wonder. a bit of a worry. i felt like i was a bit of an irritation and a bit of a disappointment.

i love to hear your lyrics. they make me sad. you all make me sad. i was impressed by your hope. i was depressed by you naivety. there was so much energy. you all made the air fizzle. i wonder who you are impressing these days?
i've been reading a lot of blogs. i love the way people write. i love delicious descriptions. potter you have a magical eye linked to your twinkling fingertips.

but i am sad that i don't appear in any of them. not that you appear in mine. it just makes me wonder if i have any effect on anyone. its probably quite hard to seeing as i've spent so much time in this goddamned room on this machine of rythmic silence.


also i cut my fringe and am now devising ways to hide it. ridiculous.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

im ready for a real whinge...

but that will have to go in my real diary. see how i'm learning my lesson here? how proud i am.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

so there i was...

i got on the bus, sat down and picked a paper up off the floor to read. i put in on the seat next to me because i didnt have a spare hand to hold it. my head was bowed reading the paper on the seat beside me. suddenly it moved. i looked up and a man had taken it, i assumed he wanted to sit down so i smiled slightly, with an underlying irritation. he didn't sit down. he was just stealing the newspaper i was reading. he took it and sat down elsewhere.


Tuesday, 6 January 2009

and the coming year

well i guess work will be very quiet but maybe this will help me concentrate on school more. maybe i'll even have spare time??

resolutions then....

work hard at college, less wasting time more concentrating

no more one night stands, if i'm stupid enough to take a boy home my punishment is that i have to be nice to them and agree to at least one date in the future.

be bolder at school, participate more

be nicer. at least 50% kinder than i am now. that shouldn't be too hard.

last year these things happened

its only the 6th but it still feels a little too late to be doing this. nevermind.

had a rather wild new year with andrew n jenna

i got together with JP, falling for persistence, good gifting boyfriend but went on so long in the end and it was too hard to get myself out of the mess i made. a good leanring experience.

amazing trip to America, time with Matt in California and my first wedding. (i have finally got the pictures printed and will be putting them in an album at some point)

subjected to the whims of landlord Janet and so moved to Cardigan terrace. lovely lovely times.

got a distinction in the Art foundation and Simon graduated from Durham.

moved accross the road to Heaton rd.

went to Edinburgh with Michael to open the new Chiqiotos restaurant there, great fun, great drama, terrible management!

started a new course, another degree. doing quite well thanku very much!

immigration raided the restaurant and Ju n JP disappeared

long but not so busy run up to xmas at work with varying amounts and skill levels of chefs

one night stand

TRACY CHAPMAN pure amazing transcendtal evening of pleasure for the ears and heart

one night stand

ill at xmas

very enjoyable new year. kissed a boy who lives on the isle of man. silly girl. fun.